WERKshop Wednesdays: Drag Open Stage Night

Second Wed of every month, 8:30 pm
Kremwerk Downtown Seattle (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
Mercury Divine, Seattle’s dandiest dandy, emcees a weekly open mic for kings, queens, and in-betweens to workshop their stage acts before a welcoming audience in a chill, low-presh environment. The result is a performance potpourri that’s engendered (heh) a real community around it. Anyone is welcome to come watch OR to perform; folks can sign up in advance and email an mp3 of their music and their tech requirements. That’s so nice. Look at how nice that is. by Meg van Huygen
$4 drinks available. Bring cash for tips!


1809 Minor Ave #10 Seattle, WA 98101 Venue website

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