Pop Pizza

610 SE Morrison St (Buckman)
Portland, OR 97214
Pop Pizza has a terrific handle on the Detroit-style crust, falling in line with the aforementioned perfect crunch, square variation of Detroit pizza. The fry on the bottom of their pie essentially concludes arguments that Detroit pizza could and should be its own thing. Since Pop was formed by the baking wizards of Nuvrei, they get that crust right every time, and the toppings show a similar influence from the world of baked goods. The Ezzo pepperoni on their classic pepperoni pie curls up into crispy, delicious little bowls of salt. As an antidote to the holiday struggles, Pop Pizza has a number of meal combos currently on offer, created specially for family-sized feasts. The arrangements of pizza, salads, and cookie squares (I was skeptical, but it's like a big chocolate chip cookie that remains melty for hours) could feed your whole horde or just provide you with a steady diet of crunchy pie for quarantine. SUZETTE SMITH
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